Tag Archives: WSDL

Adding a Custom header to your Web Service (WSDL)

It’s very common that you have to define a WSDL and want it to have custom header. I have been using WSDL’s with custom headers for some time and thought I will post this sample WSDL for all of you who want to define a SOAP 1.1 WSDL with a custom message header. Below is […]

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WSDL2JAVA using AXIS2 code generator command line

The Code Generator tool consists of a command line version and an Ant Task.  I have attached a guidance to use the WSDL2Java utility using the command line. Also, illustrated how to build file using custom Ant task and invoking the Code Generator from Ant. Invoking the Code Generator From Ant Since the users may […]

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Restful Web services with OSB

I have been working on SOAP webserivces for some time, but never really used REST services with OSB up untill recently. I thought it would be useful to add a new post on to my blog to help users who like me are trying to hook their REST services with OSB and then may be […]

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