Generating Client JAVA code for WSDL using SOAP UI – AXIS2 WSDL2JAVA

Generating Client JAVA code for WSDL using SOAP UI – AXIS2 WSDL2JAVA

Create a Soap UI project using your WSDL.

Set the Preferences in SOAP UI for AXIS2 home directory.

Right Click on the WSDL in SOAP UI and click generate code.

Select ADB binding and the following settings and click generate

Following is the directory structure and code files generated.

That’s it, you can now use this code from you IDE by importing it.

PS: you will need to add the axis2 jars to your project class path.


5 Responses so far.

  1. papablopo says:

    xD only know how to generate but not how to use

  2. Daniel Ciborowski says:

    Would be nice for a little walk through of what to do with the code after SoupUI spits it out.

  3. developer says:

    How do i run the axis2 generated java code

  4. Bhuwan says:


    I need the client code in java for consuming the web service that soapUI uses, with the request parameters I provide in the editor.

    Please help me on that if possible.


  5. Gast says:

    doesn’t work y have a problem with the directory axis2/bin, it doesn’t exist and soapui try to use that directory to generate the client, any idea?