Useful WLST Scripts – Managing composite state using command line WLST

Useful WLST Scripts – Managing composite state using command line WLST

We have created a list of Useful WLST commands for SOA covering how we can use the WLST commands to retire/shutdown/start/activate/deploy/undeploy a composite.

Use the scripts located at:


(Windows) C:oracleMiddleware11116Oracle_SOA1commonbinwlst.cmd

Note: Do not use the WLST script in the WebLogic Server home.  

In case you use the WLS tool from  MIDDLEWARE_HOMEoracle_commoncommonbin Or  from MIDDLEWARE_HOME wlserver_10.3commonbin   It will throw following error.   Traceback (innermost last):   File “”, 1,=”” ?<=”” in=”” line=”” span=””>”,> NameError: sca_undeployComposite
[user1@servername bin]$ pwd
[user1@servername bin]$./

Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) …

Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell

Type help() for help on available commands

Connect to WLST

wls:/offline> connect(‘weblogic’,’weblogicpassword’,’servername:port’)
Connecting to t3://servername:port with userid weblogic …
Successfully connected to managed Server ‘WLS_SOA1’ that belongs to domain ‘soa_domain’.

Make sure to connect to SOA server or cluster. If you have a clustered environment, then use SOA cluster/managed server host & port in the connection information. Otherwise you can expect below error:-

Connecting to: service:jmx:t3://servername:port/jndi/
Cannot find composite lifecycle mbean.

Retiring a Composite

wls:/soa_domain/serverConfig> sca_retireComposite(“”,”8400″,”weblogic”,”weblogicpassword”,”CompositeName”,”1.01″,partition=”SOA_Partition”)
host =
port = 8400
user = weblogic
partition = SOA_Partition
compositeName = CompositeName
revision = 0.01
label =  None
compositeDN =SOA_Partition/CompositeName!0.01
Connecting to: service:jmx:t3://
Composite (SOA_Partition/CompositeName!0.01) is successfully retired.

Stop/Shutdown a composite

wls:/soa_domain/serverConfig> sca_stopComposite(“”,”8400″,”weblogic”,”mypassword”,”MYCompositeName”,”0.01″,partition=”SOA_Partition”)
host =
port = 8400
user = weblogic
partition = SOA_Partition
compositeName = MYCompositeName
revision = 0.01
label =  None
compositeDN =SOA_Partition/MYCompositeName!0.01
Connecting to: service:jmx:t3://
Composite (SOA_Partition/MYCompositeName!0.01) is successfully stopped.

Starting a composite

wls:/soa_domain/serverConfig> sca_startComposite(“”,”8400″,”weblogic”,”mypassword”,”MYCompositeName”,”0.01″,partition=”SOA_Partition”)
host =
port = 8400
user = weblogic
partition = SOA_Partition
compositeName = MYCompositeName
revision = 0.01
label =  None
compositeDN =SOA_Partition/MYCompositeName!0.01
Connecting to: service:jmx:t3://
Composite (SOA_Partition/MYCompositeName!0.01) is successfully started..

Activating a Composite

wls:/soa_domain/serverConfig> sca_activateComposite(“”,”8400″,”weblogic”,”mypassword”,”MYCompositeName”,”0.01″,partition=”SOA_Partition”)
host =
port = 8400
user = weblogic
partition = SOA_Partition
compositeName = MYCompositeName
revision = 0.01
label =  None
compositeDN =SOA_Partition/MYCompositeName!0.01
Connecting to: service:jmx:t3://
Composite (SOA_Partition/MYCompositeName!0.01) is successfully activated.

List all Composites

wls:/soa_domain/serverConfig> sca_listDeployedComposites(‘’,’8400′,’weblogic’,’mypassword’)
host =
port = 8400
user = weblogic
Connecting to: service:jmx:t3://

Following 102 composites are currently deployed to the platform:

1. MYCompositeNameABCS[1.04], partition=SOA_Partition, mode=retired, state=off, isDefault=false, deployedTime=2012-04-25T15:51:19.116+01:00
2. MYCompositeNameABCS[1.05], partition=SOA_Partition, mode=active, state=on, isDefault=true, deployedTime=2012-05-21T09:51:34.818+01:00
101. MYCompositeNameProvABCS[4.0.0], partition= SOA_Partition, mode=active, state=on, isDefault=true, deployedTime=2012-05-21T17:11:12.104+01:00
102. MYCompositeNameProvABCS[4.0.0], partition= SOA_Partition, mode=active, state=on, isDefault=true, deployedTime=2012-05-21T17:11:44.603+01:00

6) Deploying and Undeploying

Same way a composite can be deployed or undeployed using WLST Commands.More on those on the links mentioned in references section.

Another useful post from Danilo Schmiedel on undeploying using ant @

2 Responses so far.

  1. Nice Nitin good reference …
    we have tried with some more programming logic inside the script which will much flexibility …

  2. Very useful summary of WLST scripts! Nice!