Restful Web services with OSB

Restful Web services with OSB

I have been working on SOAP webserivces for some time, but never really used REST services with OSB up untill recently.

I thought it would be useful to add a new post on to my blog to help users who like me are trying to hook their REST services with OSB and then may be trying to expose as a SOAP webservice. I will be covering both aspects

1. Calling Restful services from OSB.

2. Creating Restful services using OSB.

I have taken an example of the Google Geocoding service for this.

What is does is takes in an address and gives you long & lat for that place and vice versa.

This is a rest service and the request format is


Steps to follow.


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6 Responses so far.

  1. Albaraa says:

    Can you share the examples that you have found, thank you!

  2. Mtihun says:

    Waiting for the steps sir.

    • Nits says:

      Ahhh I have been long thinking about this…. I would soon do an update on this post… another reason I didn’t update was there were some good examples which Oracle updated to OTN.

  3. Jyoti says:

    Hi Nitin,i can’t see the steps to follow section in your blog.Is it posted in some other blog?Could you please send me the steps to my mail id

    Thanks a lot,

    • Nits says:

      Hi Jyoti, thanks for pointing it out, I actually got engrossed in some other stuff and never managed to complete the post.
      There is a good example on this on the OSB documentation section on Oracle website though.

      I will soon try to complete this post though 🙂